


Navigating Life’s Unexpected Transitions

Have you ever had one of those seasons when life in all its enormity just shifted you and placed you somewhere you never, ever thought you would be; and you find yourself asking ”So, how did I get here again?” ”What really, really happened?”  And in those moments, you simply have NO IDEA how your person got into the circumstance!

Well those words have come to my life quite a bit in the last decade or so. ‘Life transition’ has been the name of the game. It seems only fitting that I now serve God as a Life Transition Coach and try to help some others with this phenomena we call Change! 

I don’t mean change like you move from one position at work  to a next, or you move to another apartment, or you change your hairstyle.I mean CHANGE! Like you were married and now you are not; like you lived in one country and now you don’t; like you worked for a big corporation, now you are in small business or on your own; like you raised children from diapers to driving age, now you mother by WhatsApp and skype; like you had discretionary income to spare, now the word no longer exists in your vocabulary. Been there and done those! 

These are the kind of changes, real Life transitions that can make you or break you if you let them. I can assuredly state that without God’s supernatural grace I’m not exactly sure I would be here in my right mind telling this tale and trying to help someone with their story.I have found that if you search deep enough, you can answer the question of “How did I get here again?” You may not like the answer but it’s there to be found. You see Regret is an Enemy to life transformation (a section in my book ☺)  so looking back to answer this question can only have one good purpose:  LEARN and MOVE ON!

Your CHANGE doesn’t have to be a bad word, and the truth of the matter is CHANGE is often the only catalyst to living a purposeful, prosperous and fulfilling life! Sometimes the only thing that will move us out of our comfortable positions of mediocrity is a bolt ‘Change’ lighting! Otherwise, we do that same ole, same ole, day after day, year after year, on the ‘Routine Bus’ that travels to ‘Nowhere Special’ land.

Don’t get me wrong, these transitions are most often downright uncomfortable, and sometimes undeniably painful! If you are a crier like I used to be, some moments can be accompanied by some intense ‘snot-fest’; BUT, much like the birth of a child; the pushing through is worth every bit of it in the end IF you allow the greatness to be birthed from the change.

SO….all that to say ☺ When life comes to bite you hard in the …. Whether it be a divorce, a relocation, career change, empty-nesting, single parenting, financial crash; when something tragic occurs that was nowhere in your 1 year, 5 year or even 10 year plan, and the question comes to your head “So, how did I get here again? Here’s my advice…

Based on what I’ve learnt and still learning through God’s wisdom, I suggest that you take this major question and turn it into these sub-questions:

  • How did I contribute to this, if I did?
  • If negative…How can I be sure never to do that again?
  • What were my major lessons learnt?
  • What will I do differently next time?
  • How is this going to work for my good?
  • How can I turn this into a successful new chapter?
  • How can I help someone else facing the same challenge?


Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.     Proverbs 4:7 KJV)

Getting all the wisdom you can from your Life Transition and operating in that wisdom is your key to moving on to Bigger and Better things! Bawling your eyes out, wallowing in self-pity for years, even cussing out other parties may feel good for the moment and have their place initially BUT truthfully, have no lasting, valuable purpose. Wisdom is the key!

So when you ask “How Did I get here again?”  With wisdom you will be able to answer the ‘HOW, WHAT…WHY..WHERE..WHEN and mostly HOW TO MOVE ON VICTORIOUSLY!

Walking in ‘Transition’ with you 

Coach D

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