Down for the Count? It’s Time to Get Back Up!



Ever felt like life has hit you so hard, you’re down and can’t seem to get back up? Like you’re in a boxing ring, beaten down by one too many blows, and now you’re flat on the mat—exhausted or too scared to rise again?

Life can do that sometimes. Whether it’s one massive, knock-out punch (like the sudden loss of a loved one) or a series of smaller, repeated hits (money troubles, infidelity, illness), life can knock you down, leaving you kissing the cold, hard floor. For a moment, the pain may fade as you lie there, but you can still hear the referee counting: “1, 2, 3…”

At this point, you know that if you don’t muster every ounce of strength to get back up, you’ve lost. The trials and pain will have won. The light you were meant to shine will have gone out, and those you’re called to help will lose that guiding light.

Whether it’s been three months, three years, or even three decades, there comes a moment when you have to stop hugging the floor and start moving forward. You’ll hear your spirit urging you to rise, reminding you that staying down forever isn’t an option—it leads to permanent loss.

If you’re there right now, I’ve been there too. In those moments, you have to find something worth fighting for—something that pushes you past the pain, the bruises, and the humiliation. You have to shout: “Oh, heck no! I’m not going out like this! I’m not a quitter! Life… I’m back! I’m battered, bruised, and tired, but I’m BACK!”

Everyone needs a reason to keep fighting. Find yours! Maybe it’s your spouse, your kids, a cause you care deeply about, or fulfilling your God-given purpose. Whatever it is, write it down. Stick it on the wall, tell a loved one, or create a vision board. Make it real. Write the vision and make it plain (Habakkuk 2:2).

It’s crucial to have something so deeply ingrained in your mind that you’ll never forget it. Because as you move through life, you will face challenges. Some may be easier to avoid, but eventually, even the strongest will grow tired. That’s when your “something” will keep you going.

So, if you feel like you’re down for the count, consider me your boxing coach. Fight back. Fight until you’re the one standing tall, saying, “Life, take that! I’ve fought the good fight, and now my hand is raised in victory!”

But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 15:57)

In the ring with you,
Coach D

2 responses to “Down for the Count? It’s Time to Get Back Up!”
  1. Olivia Avatar

    Feels like you’re right here fighting with me and for me

    Am reminded of the scripture 1 Corth 2:9 (But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.”)

    This brings hope and gives the impetus to get back up and keep going.

    1. Coach D Avatar
      Coach D

      Yes Olivia! I agree God promises has things prepared for us! We have hope! Therefore we can fall and get back up 7 times or more, because we have the greatest Coach of all, the Holy Spirit!
      Together, we will keep fighting the good fight 🙂

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